How Magnets Attract and Repel: Interessement in a Technology Commercialization Competitiondoi:10.1177/0741088315614566Clay SpinuzziScott NelsonKeela S ThomsonNoelle London
You probably know that magnets attract specific metals and they have north and south poles. Opposite poles attract each other while like poles repel each other. Magnetic and electrical fields are related, and magnetism, along with gravity and strong and weak atomic forces, is one of the four ...
The poles of two magnets that are different or opposite will attract. Magnetic lines of force from north and south poles pull together and join. The poles of two magnets that are the same will repel or push each other apart. SEEING MAGNETISM You cannot see the magnetic force around a magne...
The car will run towards(吸引) or repel(排斥) each other when they two magnets can either attract(吸引) or repel(排斥) each other when they get close.Put a magnet in the box and tape it to stop it from 64.___.Cut the straw into two.Tape them to 65.___.Draw four circles on...
When broken down into tiny pieces and smashed into Silly Putty, they can provide hours of fun. But how do magnets work in the first place? Magnetism is the force exerted by magnets—objects that repel or attract each other. This powerful physical phenomenon is one component of electromagnetism...
.And in China,a magnet train line linked Shanghai with nearby Pudong Airport.These trains use magnetic levitation(悬浮)technology,“maglev” for short.They use the same rules as the magnets you pick up at home or school:opposite poles of magnets attract each other,and like poles repel each...
made by running an electrical current around a piece of iron. The electrical field will magnetize the iron. Electromagnets can either attract or repel each other, depending on which direction they are pointing. You can make electromagnets that repel with some small batteries, wire and iron nails...
32K There are various types of magnetic materials and magnets can both attract and repel each other. Learn more about the properties of magnetism and how the Earth's magnetic field is used to navigate by animals, including humans. Related...
For example, placing both north or south ends of two magnets in close proximity to each other will cause the magnets to repel. Placing the north and south ends of two magnets in close proximity to each other will cause the magnets to attract. In other words, opposite poles attract, and ...
Fortunately for magnetophiles, physics is complicated. You may have noticed that a pair of magnetswillattract (after aligning with one another). Despite both of them having a north and a south which will attract and repel one of the poles in the other magnet, a...