Decibels (abbreviated dB) are the units used to measure the relative intensity of a sound. The decibel unit of measurement is a little odd because thehuman earis incredibly sensitive. The human ear can hear everything from your fingertip brushing lightly over your skin to a loudjet engine. In...
4. to utter a loud laugh or scornful yell. v.t. 5. to utter with howls: to howl the bad news. 6. to drive or force by howls (often fol. by down): to howl down the opposition. n. 7. the cry of a dog, wolf, or the like. 8. a cry or wail, as of pain or rage...
Step 7: Go to the home screen and swipe from the top right corner to access Control Center. Step 8: The hearing control will display the noise level for your current headphones. Tap on it to expand it and view the noise level in decibels. Note: If the volume is below 80 dB, it wi...
4. Wear Hearing Protection If you know you're going to be around loud sounds for more than a few minutes, think about wearing protection, such as: Earplugs.Usually made of foam or rubber, they go in your ear canal and can reduce noise by 15 to 30 decibels. You can buy them off-th...
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Thus, it’s essential to ensure you do not always keep your ears exposed to very loud earphone volumes. Important:In addition to the sound level, how much time you’re exposed to that particular sound level is also critical. For instance, standing near sirens (~120 decibels) for a few ...
When it comes to loud sound, the general rule of thumb is the greater the volume, the shorter the acceptable duration. The top volume on an Apple music player, like the iPhone, is 102 decibels, about as loud as a leaf blower.
2)The app will now show the noise level around you in decibels (dB). As the noise level around you changes, the onscreen decibel meter moves dynamically in real-time. The Noise app rates the current noise level as eitherOKorLoud. To learn more about decimal ranges, tap theinfo iconⓘ...
A quiet bathroom fan is 0.3 to 1.0 sones. Quiet bathroom fans make as much noise as normal breathing or whispering from a few feet away. What is a sone? A sone is a measurement of sound, similar to decibels. They are linear in that 1 sone is twice as loud as .5 sones. And 2 ...
语法:(1)… since the results at 70 decibels were significant,此处since引导原因转语从句。 (2) …suggests that the right level of background noise…此处that引导宾语从句。 (3)…—not too loud and not total silence—此处属于插入语,是对noise的修饰。