An air compressor’s working conditions will also have some impact on its lifespan. For example, an air compressor that sits in the corner of a clean and tidy shop can easily last several decades due to its pristine surroundings. However, truck mounted air compressors are subjected to weather...
air conditioning systems also vary in quality and performance. Therefore, you should take into consideration the AC’s brand as well as the warranties. Sometimes, these may give you an idea of how durable and long-lasting your unit
Bangladesh experiences scorching summers, and it's common to find air conditioning in almost every household. However, the country can be quite dusty, with dust accumulating everywhere. A little cleaning now and then goes a long way. So, if you ask me how often an air conditioner should be ...
If you're buying a new car, you know air conditioning is almost certainly a standard feature. But it wasn't long ago when AC was an expensive option. Find out how this now nearly universal feature works.
As an air compressor manufacturer for nearly 100 years, Quincy Compressor has moved along with advancements in technology to provide various industries with real solutions to their production challenges. With new engineering, new developments and exciting opportunities to help other industries grow, we ...
More elaborate air conditioners use long ducts to pipe the warmed or cooled air throughout an entire building, but they still work in essentially the same way.How an HVAC air conditioner works Warm air from the room is sucked in through a grille at the base of the machine The air flows ...
As long as the hot air is vented outside the room, the cooling will be effective. Alternatives include venting through doors, walls, or ceilings. You can also choose a unit that doesn’t require venting at all, such as an evaporative cooler. The key is to ensure hot air isn’t re...
A better question might be, “how long do air conditioners last in your part of the country?” An air conditioner that is used more than average will naturally experience a greater amount of wear and tear compared to a unit that is used more moderately. For example, take two identica...
Lack of Air Pressure Lack of air pressure is a significant issue with any compressor. When your equipment doesn’t build up enough pressure, you should inspect it thoroughly. You can conduct a pump test by emptying the air tank and timing how long it takes for your machine to reach a cer...
Long-range air leak detection The team quickly identified a leak 26 feet up in an overhead air line. “I was amazed at how easily you could just pick up the Fluke sonic imager and walk down the aisles scanning an overhead area and very quickly spot leaks,” says the maintenance manager...