One night when the sea was so tranquil And I strangely restless not sleeping A lonely silhouette, I went walking To breathe in the night-scented air On a black rock flooded by moonshine Sat two lovers so sweetly oblivious While the tide rose and washed all around them Transfixed, I just ...
I was the one who lived in shame for allowing the abuse to happen. I would hear people quote scripture to me but, I was not worthy to have the love of God in my life. Afterall, by this time, I was a single parent with 3 children and just living what I thought was the life Go...
The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was
I don’t mean to sound harsh, especially since it’s clear you’re really trying. But consider this: If a child was clutching an armful of toys in a room with another child who had nothing, what would you think if the first child said, “I want all of my stuff and I don’t car...
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth (of praying with faith actions continually with frequent regularity even though the answers are long in coming)?” 1 Thess 3:10“Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that...
From almost the first verse my whole soul seemed flooded with a great peace; all trace of panic vanished; and I felt God's presence was with us. Indeed, His presence was so real it scarcely have been more so had we seen a visible form. After prayer we all got on our carts, and ...
the light beige highlights would move on their cheeks. So, I'm presuming it's a kind of shadow effect. Because the robes were open, I noticed none of them had any genitalia. Their hands hadfour long fingers each. The lower part of their arms were exposed. Their faces and front of th...
God desired to have a deep and beautiful relationship with us as we thrived in the world He had created. However, when Eve chose to take a bite of that fruit, it all came crashing down. Sin and death flooded into the world and shattered God’s perfect plan. Everything was damaged ...
Television seems to be flooded with paranormal shows these days, some better than others. Yes, I watch some of them. Do I believe everything they tell me? No. A few years ago, I was one of the first fans of a popular TV series featuring two regular Joes who were paranormal investigato...
His song parody lambasted the fact that -- back in those days - it seemed like everyone and his brother wanted to work in advertising. Today, I could just as easily write a song titled "Everyone wants to be a marketing consultant." The Internet is flooded with programs, courses, and boo...