sisters embraced their missions and became more active in ministries in schools and hospitals. In the 1950s, however, Pope Pius XII began to raise questions about nuns' habits. He had concerns about the hygiene of the long, flowing robes, and he was also concerned that the ...
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant....
A few weeks ago,I mentioned that it is my goal to write through the Bible before I die. Well, it may surprise you that I had not actually calculated how long it would take if I continue to write about eight verses per day. I just assumed that was a good pace. ...
We can’t do that as long as we’re pointing the finger somewhere else. Jesus said we’re hypocrites if we do (Matt. 7.3-5). But when we confess and forsake our sinful responses, it allows us to start growing and to experience peace and joy regardless of our circumstances (Rom. 2.9...
How long did Jesus' ministry last? How long is the Talmud? What does the Scientology cross mean? How old is the Jehovah's Witness religion? How long was the Mayan lunar calendar? How old is the Catholic religion? How long did ancient Roman mythology last?
Emily Belz Christian donations can only do so much to fill the gap when facilities grapple with layoffs, scarce drugs, and unanswered questions. News Pepperdine Calls Foul with Netflix Trademark Infringement Lawsuit Christopher Kuo The Christian university claims that a new basketball sitcom has misapp...
How long did Jesus' ministry last? How many years does the Book of Leviticus cover? How old is the Old Testament? How long did Jacob live in the Bible?Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors...
Matthew 23:37 Where the mercy of God was greatest, there was greatest wickedness and rebellion, and at length the most sharp judgments of God. Matthew 23:37 He speaketh of the outward ministry, and as he was promised for the saving of this people, so was he also careful for it, even...
Jesus knew the full value of human life, so he knew exactly what it would take to save the lost, hurting, desperate people God loved. It would take a life. A total, selfless sacrifice. And that is strength. That poor baby born in a manger a long way from home became the mightiest...
Because Jesus knew all these things, SO he got up, and washed his disciple's feet. Backstory - Footwashing was a common act of hospitality in that time, usually performed by a slave. If someone of standing were to do it, it would have been seen as an ultimate act of honor. What ...