A few weeks ago,I mentioned that it is my goal to write through the Bible before I die. Well, it may surprise you that I had not actually calculated how long it would take if I continue to write about eight verses per day. I just assumed that was a good pace. ...
it is necessary to imagine Elvis Presley abdicating his throne, orThe Beatlesfinding Jesus at the height of their popularity. For if the world of gospel was considerably smaller than that of either pop or rhythm and blues
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant....
We can’t do that as long as we’re pointing the finger somewhere else. Jesus said we’re hypocrites if we do (Matt. 7.3-5). But when we confess and forsake our sinful responses, it allows us to start growing and to experience peace and joy regardless of our circumstances (Rom. 2.9...
It was not until long after his departure that the name "Christianity" was given to Jesus' (p) religion. What, then, was Jesus' (p) religion in actual fact, as distinct from its name? His religion was reflected in his teachings, which he urged his followers to accept as guiding ...
How long was the period of time from when she asked you to send beats to y'all getting in the studio together? SG Lewis:It was about six to nine months total. Everyone's sort of all over the world, so it was really cool for it to all come together ...
Pope Pius XII began to raise questions about nuns' habits. He had concerns about the hygiene of the long, flowing robes, and he was also concerned that the amount of time necessary to ensure clean robes would take away from nuns' prayer. He urged sisters to consider modernizing their look...
This sister took part in a program bringing education to a remote mountainous area and felt that she was connecting to Jesus Christ. She needed to take care of several students. When she saw that they felt helpless and had nothing to do, she wanted to witness to her faith. But the resul...
Early in the ministry I had an experience which completely changed my understanding of prayer. What a transformation! I was called to start churches and had just discovered the "prayer meeting truth" in Acts. So I started a prayer meeting - the first one I ever attended. ...
This gathering is not just a meal; it is a moment filled with deep significance as it marks the beginning of the Passion Week—the final week of Jesus' earthly ministry leading up to His crucifixion. The atmosphere is celebratory, yet it foreshadows the impending sacrifice of Jesus. ...