Mating for amphibians must nearly always occur in fresh water. It consists of the joining of the male and female frog, and at this time, the female lays eggs while the male releases sperm. The fertilized eggs are now left alone by both parents. The young that hatch will survive on their...
It is critical, however, that there are no gaps where baby mantis could escape from in the future; remember that baby praying mantis can be less than a centimetre long when they hatch and can squeeze through unbelievably small gaps. This container should be spotlessly clean and dry before you...
The Flightmare shoots a glowing, toxic blue mist that paralyses its victims just long enough for it to finish them off. Rather than freezing a target immediately, the paralysis seems to be caused by "stiffening" of the skin, making it harder for the muscles to work. As the skin absorbs ...
Red-eyed tree frog hatchlings were dodging hungry snakes a long time before Warkentin started studying the phenomenon 20 years ago. “People had not thought of eggs as having the possibility to show this kind of plasticity,” says Mike Ryan, her PhD adviser at the University of Texas in ...
Out of all the crayfish available in the pet market, Cajun Dwarf crayfish are the most adorable because of their miniature size. I have kept and successfully bred Cajuns for the last year and a half, and I'll explain how to care for them in this article.
The simple craft of making barn quilts has had a resurgence since the turn of the century, after a long hiatus.
The safest place to lay their eggs is where ocean predators can’t follow – at the very top of a 30m waterfall. Surely an impossible journey for a fish only an inch long, and one that will require a bizarre physical transformation. Fresh water is vital to life, yet it is a finite...
And The Bullfrogs Sing: A Life Cycle Begins, David L. Harrison. Eggs hatch and become tadpoles. The tadpoles nibble plants. They grow legs and start to breathe. Now they are little bullfrogs. They eat flies, fish, and spiders. In the winter they hibernate. And after three years, they...
Spider Eggs: The spider egg item will not hatch into spiders when placed, but it does make good bait for catching larger fish. It requires three cobwebs and one rotten chunk on any type of anvil.These baits all have different uses depending on where you are fishing and what kind of fish...
Nearly all insects hatch from eggs that are laid in myriad ways and habitats. Growth involves a series of molts and stages (called instars) with immature stages greatly differing from mature insects in appearance, behavior, and preferred habitat. Some undergo a four-stage metamorphosis (with a ...