Do not wait until the last minute to extend your visa as you may encounter delays or complications. Check the validity and type of your current visa. Make sure you are eligible for an extension and know how long you can extend for. Prepare all the required...
Brit August 15, 2023 at 9:18 pm Great article, really helpful advice. Thanks Reply Henrietta richey May 8, 2023 at 7:40 pm Hi I would like to talk to someone about my mortgage options, I am fixed until April next year so I may be abit early to be worrying about rates going up...
I request everyone to create an account in visagrader website and update your dropbox submissions so that others can benefit from that in keeping track of how long the current visa stamping is taking. Reply Ashu March 5, 2023 at 9:54 pm thanks! I created the account. Mine got approved...
We’ve bumped into long-lost friends (and loves) on the street during Mercury Retrograde. Strange times! What should you do during Mercury retrograde? Review all contracts and legal documents before signing. Pause and breathe before speaking. (Repeat yourself if necessary!) Read all emails and ...
"So long as there's not too much cloud, the full moon will be an unmistakable white orb in the sky," Royal Museums Greenwich states. "This is a good opportunity to use a small telescope or a pair of binoculars to see the moon's detailed surface, or even try taking a few in...
The light heavyweight division has been through a bumpy ride over the past couple of years, since division anchor and all-time great Jones vacated the belt in August 2020 to focus on a move to heavyweight. But 2023 has a chance to be a new year for the once-hallma...
Ashish August 31, 2023 at 10:01 pm No status in case of drop box usually means that it hasn’t reached the consulate yet. Once it reaches the consulate the status should change to “Application received”. Call the embassy, something is wrong. It shouldn’t take this long. Reply GLAD...
Being a true and long-term growth champion requires mastering a wide range of challenges from superior strategy and winning business model all the way to excellence in execution. On top of this, as we have seen, it is a deeply ingrained mi...
If the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris piqued your interest, it’s not too early to turn your focus to the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, which will take over Southern California from July 14 to July 30, followed by the Paralympics in August. “Continuing to build on the momentum of...
The Dutch are traditionally known for their directness, and in 2023, tourism officials in Amsterdam weren’t shy about taking aim at one particular demographic — young British males — as “nuisance tourists” who are not welcome in the Dutch capital, a city long associated with vice. The in...