Those who have asthma (like me) have a steroid rescue inhaler and maybe even nebulizer treatments to reduce inflammation in their lungs when they have an asthma attack. They may be prescribed an oral medication (pill) call prednisone when they get sick to help reduce inflammation in the lungs...
Mustard isnot likely to be lethal to dogs in small doses; however, in higher amounts it can be toxic and, generally speaking, it's not a good thing for your dog to consume. In fact, due to mustard's mildly toxic nature, it is often something that's suggested by vets as a way t...
Step-by-step instructions for how to use your ANORO ELLIPTA inhaler Make sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist about how to use your ANORO ELLIPTA inhaler. Wait to open the cover until you are ready to take a dose. Before the inhaler is used for the first time, the counter should show...
Even so, coming to the right diagnoses took a lot of work and required outside help.From Concise to ConfusedOut of nowhere, Kimberlyn went from a highly-effective, busy, working mother, to a disorganized, uninvolved, confused individual who couldn’t focus long enough to put together ...
To diagnose physiological tremor, your doctor will ask you about the pattern of the tremor (when it appears and what it looks like) and your risk factors. Treatment is usually fixing the underlying issue, such as reducing doses of medications, reducing caffeine use, or treating hyperthyroidism....