Detached Retinas: How to Develop and Test OS X Retina Apps on Non-Retina MacBook ProsErica Sadun
During a celebration, you're probably not thinking about eye damage. But a flying cork from a bottle of champagne can rupture the eyeball. This can cause bleeding inside the eye, adetached retina, dislocate the eye's lens, damage theorbital bonestructure and more. Serious vision loss can re...
During a dilated exam, your doctor can spot problems likea torn or detached retina or an eye tumor. They can also diagnose and monitor common eye diseases that can take away your sight: Diabetic retinopathy: Signs include blood vessels that leak, swell, or grow abnormally in the retina. Ho...
Firstly you need to accept that there are not enough people to write secure code to go around, and that it would take to long to train them up any way which means that the modern “information society” economy would be “negatively impacted” if we tried. So how best to use those who...
The problem with your list is that the list is too long, too normative and it miss the core advices (from my point of view of course): –the first one (and maybe the only one): ASK WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY… By asking why this news, why it appears, a journalist HAS TO, MUST resea...