The maximum distance you can fly in 1 itinerary is 50,000 miles (50,000 miles is an extremely long distance — 99.99% of travelers will be under this all the time). The total mileage is determined by the sum of the distances from each of the segments (airport A to airport B). For...
I’ll be leaving from New Zealand, so my first step is to head toSkyscannerand search for one-way flights from Auckland to [country name] over the week I’m planning to fly out. I want to see which country is cheapest to fly to from New Zealand. It turns out that the most inexpen...
I took a flight from Vienna to Auckland on Dec. 1, 2011 and back on Dec. 9, 2011 by Korean Air, BOOKING REF 3D35R, TICKET:KE/ETKT 180 2960760380-81, RESERVATION NUMBER(S) KE/DLNA56.
For example I was due to fly to Sydney from Singapore but pushed back my flight because I wanted longer in Asia. Also don’t forget that if you’re going to be travelling on all of those planes there are plenty of Frequent Flyer Miles to be had. Check out our interview with a freque...