It’s been known for a long time that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to insulin resistance and high blood sugar. When you don’t get enough shut-eye, your body starts secreting more of a hormone called cortisol. High levels of cortisol have been shown to increase belly fat, slow metab...
As someone who has struggled with weight loss due to making too much insulin for much of my adult life (I’ve always been hypoglycemic since childhood), I thank you for answering the question: Why would making too much insulin create insulin resistance? No M.D. could answer the question. ...
insulin resistanceinsulin secretioninsulin sensitivityvisceral adipose tissueThe current approach to weight loss (intentional energy deficit) is difficult to implement and sustain, and rarely leads to successful long-term weight loss maintenance. The aim of this article is to review recent literature...
The adrenal glands also producecortisolandDHEA, which enable the short or long term stress hormone responses, and must be in balance with each other, which I’ll address below. In his book,Outstanding Health: The 6 Essential Keys To Maximize Your Energy and Wellbeing, hormone expert Dr. Mich...
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lack of glycogen storage capacity resulting from insulin resistance and excessive glucagon mediated hepatic gluconeogenesis. Diabetes progresses when HbA1c is above 6% and regresses when HbA1c is below 5.5%. Reversal can b
The book your can fix your brain is an essential guide for the prevention to treatment of brain ailments, brain fog and fatigue, and chronic conditions. You can easily improve your mental health now.
They also have access to manufacturer coupons and other programs that can help reduce costs. Speaking with your pharmacist about ways to save money on prescriptions is a smart move that can pay off in the long run. Lowering your prescription medication costs can be difficult, but it’s not ...
Links to Related Articles & Research 4. Live in the Present Moment Sidebar: One way to live in the moment is through the practice of mindfulness.And you can use this year-long journal to create the mindfulness habit. The incessant chatter of the mind and our many daily responsibilities can...
one or two mega blockbusters, since you probably are aware of the R&D to create the drug to the market is very expensive and very long. So, if there's any way to cut down the time, and improve the odds of getting drugs, more drugs into the market, it's a win-win for everybody...
“Tending to relationships is vitally important to your health, and we have the science to back it up. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the world’s longest longitudinal studies, found that a satisfying relationship was the most predictive factor of longevity,”Dr. Jamie Long Psy...