When harvesting, always leave some greenery on the plant so that it can continue to absorb sunlight and convert this into energy for new growth. Mulch around mature plants in the summer and autumn with farmyard manure help retain moisture around the plants. Water regularly in dry spells. Feed...
In this article, I will share some of the problems associated with not having a solid system to deal with manure as part of your overall horse management program and cover the benefits of composting. We will go through the steps to manage compost and wind up with guidelines for using finish...
In autumn, mulch with organic matter such as well-rotted horse manure or home-made compost. How and when to prune wisteria How to grow wisteria - pruning wisteria in summer Prune wisteria twice a year, in August and February. For the first few years give your attention to training the ...
Sunflowers can be annual or perennial. The tall, often single-stemmed varieties we grow in our gardens tend to be annual sunflowers, while perennial sunflowers are known by their botanical nameHelianthus, and include the lovely variety 'Lemon Queen'. ...
To grow onions at home, you will need: Onion sets (like bulbs, but harvested earlier) Spade Fork Supply of compost or well-rotted farmyard manure such as Miracle-Gro Premium All Purpose Compost Fertiliser Netting When to plant onions Some onion varieties can be planted in autumn for an early...
composting an excellent way to get rid of kitchen waste. To compost with worms, you need to create the right environment for the worms to thrive, and you must use the type of worms that feed on the surface of the soil. Horse manure can be used both as bedding and as food for the ...
What not to put in your compost: Pet waste (chicken, cow, and horse manure is fine) Black walnut tree leaves/twigs Coal or charcoal Diseased plants Grass trimmings that have been treated with herbicides or pesticides Additionally, avoid composting dairy products, grease, or meat trimmings becau...
If you have sandy soil,add humus or aged manure, peat moss, or sawdust with some extra nitrogen. Heavy, clay-rich soil can also be added to improve the soil. If you have silty soil,add coarse sand (not beach sand), or gravel and compost, or well-rotted horse manure mixed with fresh...
Weed gently; pumpkins have shallow roots that can be easily damaged. Also, take care not to damage the delicate vines; the quality of the fruit depends on them. Side-dress with aged manure or compost mixed with water. Small vine varieties can be trained to grow up atrellis. Larger varieti...
“Green” Nitrogen-Rich IngredientsCarbon to Nitrogen RatioVegetable Scraps12:1Mixed Food Waste15:1Poultry Manure15:1Lawn Grass Clippings18:1Seaweed18:1Coffee Grounds20:1Cow Manure20:1Fruit Scraps30:1Horse Manure30:1 Remember that these are only guidelines, and that each batch of an ingredient ...