Although we shared values, we didn’t share history with each others’ children. We each brought our traditions and expectations to bear. When I recently chose to divorce this man who had played “grandpa” to my children’s children, old wounds surfaced. Had I known that to leave him me...
BuyFinal Fantasy VII Rebirth:Amazon|Best Buy Rufus’ fight will force you to dodge attacks more so than other battles inRebirth, and you need to look for key openings to strike. The three-step solution for fighting Rufus You’re going to need to practice some restraint and patience when fi...
It is always a good idea to have plenty of money in reserve in any game. For an RPG adventure likeFinal Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it pays to have as much Gil as possible to invest in whatever provisions or equipment you need for the challenges ahead. In the early parts of the game, Gil c...
Given her birth outside ofcomics, it’s oddly fitting that Harley’s rebirth came in another medium, too: video games. In 2009, Rocksteady Studios released an action-adventure beat-’em-up called Batman: Arkham Asylum, and although it was insanely gritty and violent, the creators took their...
The link between the butterfly and the soul may even date further back, to 3000 BC Egypt, where butterflies were tied to the philosophy of rebirth [34]. Mythologies are important, as they allowed people to develop ideas about how insects and their place in the world came to be, providing...