If Lupus impacts the lungs, the patient can catch pneumonia In the heart, lupus can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or result in a heart attack Even in well-managed cases, there is a risk that a serious complication can occur. Because of this, life insurance companies are resista...
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
In Japan, there are an increasing number of elderly and medically compromised hosts who are potentially at risk for developing pneumonia due to silent aspiration of microbes in the oral cavity and throat. For the aged with such potential risk, using of antimicrobial mouth rinse may be effective ...
Some people don't know when their blood sugar is low. That's calledhypoglycemiaunawareness. They might have early signs, but not every time. Instead, they can get severe hypoglycemia without warning. Unawareness is more common in people who've had diabetes a long time. Why is insulin shock ...
If you have a weak immune system or a chronic lung condition, such as emphysema, tuberculosis, or advancedsarcoidosis, mold might infect your lungs, causing a type ofpneumonia. Eye infections While eye irritation from mold is common, fungal eye infections are rare. They usually happen because ...
Swallow down with a sip of water if needed; repeat the process till hick-ups fade away! This method is particularly enjoyable for those who love peanut butter—it’s like getting two benefits at once: deliciousness + relief! Valsalva Maneuver ...
“We were really surprised to find that these mice, which had no clock in a set of immune cells, were more resistant to bacterial pneumonia,” noted senior study investigator David Ray, PhD, ina write-up about the study.“Almost everything we’ve learned about the body clock so far, whe...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) therapy also was proved to be efficacious treatment modality in COVID-19 pneumonia patients [62]. This effect is attributed to the immunomodulatory roles associated with MSCs, which attenuate the ARDS. However, lack of in vivo stability of MSCs and their tendency to...
pneumonia and a mass on his spleen which was missed. So they started treatment immediately but within a few hours he crashed….cardiac arrest. They were able to bring him back for a short time but he passed before I got back there. ( Also note: this was our second Chocolate Lab…t...
I had this wheezing cough that was like when you have pneumonia for months and months on end.And all of a sudden, it was like I could feel the last of it coming out, and I’d lost 20 pounds and I looked younger.And I didn’t want to die, and that’s how it started....