Our guest will put a picture up and sit eat and drink till it comes up on the screen, in our case every 3 slides. Pros: The best feature with up show unlike 3 others that we have tried is that the platform is stable and does not fade out or needs to be rebooted every couple ...
The withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan unleashed another phase of war between the pro-Soviet government in Kabul and the mujahideen groups who failed to establish their own government, till the time the USSR disintegrated and Afghan Communist President Mohammad Najibullah's ...
But no other details received till now. Reply AK July 17, 2023 at 3:49 pm Hi do you have still the status “Application received status” or is it changed? Reply Kranthi June 12, 2023 at 1:59 am I submitted my H1B extension documents on may 25th, status changed to Approved ...
Long back Google had its own authority metric called PR or Page Rank that assigned authority score on a scale of 0-10. However, they scraped the Internet Explorer plugin that was used to check the score and confirmed that the metric will not be updated thereafter. That’s when website own...
Upon arrival at the airport, custom officials will put a “Visa Exemption” ticket in your passport which states how long you can remain in Hong Kong without obtaining a proper visa. I recommend you check out some of thebest travel guides for Hong Kongif you’ll be staying here for any ...
You are judging and God judged no man till he was dead and your not God. You will be judged the way that you judge because in the end you judge yourself. Just a note. Live and let Live. I’m curious to what it is you might want my Dear? I hope I posted this on the right ...
“for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Till [they] all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (...
By Scott Vogelscott.vogel@newsday.comJuly 1, 2024 Share Long Islanders have always had a compelling excuse to visit one of the New York State's most enjoyable, adorable and, well, heat-free summertime destinations — Saratoga Springs — even before the New York Racing Association moved the Be...
Stripe only allow registering with an actual company registration – I could do a UK LLC although not sure about the long term tax rate and so on. Or perhaps a US LLC but not ready to make this investment yet (500$ register fee). Sorry for the long message! just trying to make sure...
But whatever I tried, it automatically adds a new post when I publish it and does not wait till Sunday ( as defined in the code above) to add it to the RSS. Do you have any suggestions? Do I maybe need to find a solution within the WP Query?