The Apple Watch complication has a countdown for the end of an upcoming event rather than for the start of the end. Say for example I leave work at 10 pm, it’ll be counting down till I leave work before I even start. It’s weird and I’m not sure how to fix it. ...
a taxi in Japan is notoriously expensive, and the ride from Haneda Airport to Tokyo can easily set you back ¥5,000 to ¥10,000. There is also an additional surcharge for rides after 10pm.
Ashish August 31, 2023 at 10:01 pm No status in case of drop box usually means that it hasn’t reached the consulate yet. Once it reaches the consulate the status should change to “Application received”. Call the embassy, something is wrong. It shouldn’t take this long. Reply GLAD...
Upon arrival at the airport, custom officials will put a “Visa Exemption” ticket in your passport which states how long you can remain in Hong Kong without obtaining a proper visa. I recommend you check out some of thebest travel guides for Hong Kongif you’ll be staying here for any ...
As long as the marble rocks increase the KH then this is the exact course of action that I would take. I especially agree with getting the nitrites back down to readable levels. Joe Vancesays: March 1, 2020 at 11:41 pm Hi Ian, Today I changed a full 95% of the water in my ...
First Things First: If you’ve decided to update your Mac to macOS Mojave but have yet to do so,here are a few things to checkbefore you upgrade. I highly recommend you take a minute to go over the checklist to avoid potential data loss and other issues. ...
How long each side ?. Julie Sawyer on December 29th, 2023 - 5:25pm I am 51 and have suffered (currently to be accurate) with diverticulitis and constipation for years. Add menopause to the mix, I’ve been miserable. Just drank my first dose…praying to the old and the new poop ...
Flash memory is cheaper but has limited storage capacity, typically 16MB which offers around 5 to 10 minutes of flight data. Downloading data from it can also be slow. Using an SD card reader on your flight controller, you can keep recording all year long without emptying the storage, and ...
W:Sorry.There are only three tickets left for that showing.How about the 8 pm showing?There are still ten tickets left for that one. M:But I have a friend who doesn’t get off work till 8 pm,so he won’t make the beginning of the movie. W:If he can come right away,he’ll ...
Ice cream has a long history of being an elite treat due to its labor-intensive creation. Nowadays there’s so many ways to make ice cream – some easier than others. Ever since ice cream was introduced to the general public at a French café in Paris in 1660, it has been a beloved...