For Singaporeans, or those who have work permit, or hold a long-term visit pass. You have the eligibility to apply for a one-yearMACS(Malaysia Automated Clearance System) pass. The pass uses RFID technology to scan your entry and departure from Malaysia. To eliminate the need for waiting ...
It’s best if you can check with your broker. Reply Piggy says: January 24, 2018 at 1:52 pm Hi would like to know if non Malaysian / Singaporean can open a brokerage account in Malaysia? As you put UOB Kay Hian, so I presume can set up the account in Singapore at UOBKH?
Minimum paid-up capital of $1:A capital of just one Singapore dollar is all you need to start a business in Singapore. Later, if necessary, you can infuse more money and notify the registered companies to expand the capital. One local or resident director:As long as a Singapore firm has...
Not everyone can apply for a Singaporean SG card, but that does not mean they cannot enter the country. Visas are available to citizens of other nations for various purposes. You can apply for one by visiting the Singapore embassy in your country; if there is none in your country, look f...
Most brokerages should allow you to test their demo account for as long as you like 🙂 Reply fram says: January 10, 2019 at 2:51 pm Hello! I am a Canadian living in Japan right now. It seems from your previous responses I can open a brokerage account and trade in Singapore, ...
Singaporean law requires your company to have at least one director to reside there. That person can be a foreign national or a Singaporean citizen. As long as the business director legally resides in Singapore, they can help you fulfil this requirement. Of course, if you are planning to rel...
Would like to check on internet connection, which country WiFi router should I rent to get connected in Tibet? As a Singaporean, I have 30 days visa-free entry permitted into China. Thanks. Answered by Emily Dear Jean***, We can customize and arrange the 10-day Lhasa Shigatse Mt.Everes...
Adventurers and dedicated slow travelers can turn the journey into an experience in itself by taking the train: an epic 30-hour journey across some 2,000 kilometers that starts by crossing the Johor-Singapore Causeway bridge into Malaysia then weaves north to Kuala Lumpur and up through the ...
Foreign visitors, social visitor pass (SVP) holders, and short-term pass holders can use a valid foreign driving license to drive in Singapore. Holders of long-term passes including Student Pass (STP), Employment Pass (EP), long-term visit pass (LTVP) and Dependent's Aass (DP) can use...
Chinese (35%) and Singaporean (32%) travellersfavour boutique or luxury hotels. While unique experiences matter, the basics still count. The top priorities for hotel stays include: Comfortable bedding(56%) Scenic views(53%) Good temperature control(35%) ...