Bennetts, Marc
When Vladimir Putinunleashed an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the Ukrainian media, public and policymakers almost unanimously began calling the Russian president and the state he leads “rashyst.” The term is a hybrid of a derogatory moniker for Russia –“rasha” – and ...
Russia’s multi-tentacled Wagner Group is not just sending mercenaries to Ukrainian. It’s also fighting the West with making slick propaganda films.
Log in to join the conversation All Comments (0) Sort by Related articles Russia — balancing between Hamas and Israel Putin — the man who failed Russia Russia, the West, and the geopolitical 'touch-move rule' Russian malign inspiration and how to counter it...
The huge pile near Gelendzhik on Russia's Black Sea Coast which Alexei Navalny calls "Putin's Palace" has a way of coming back to haunt the Russian president.
The post has since been deleted. It is unclear why. He thanked everyone working to secure the release of Ukrainian prisoners held by Russia - "in particular the UAE" - but not specify what Moscow received in exchange. Shortly afterward, Russia then confirmed ...
“It’s been a long four years,” Niemela told the Globe in an interview Monday evening, adding that she wasn’t sure yet what her pardon entailed. “I do believe it should be a pardon of innocence,” Niemela said, “and there should be investigations and compensation for my prison sent...
But as Putin began drawing up plans for a possible invasion, Medvedchuk insisted that Ukrainians would greet Russia’s forces with open arms. One part of the plan involved Viktor Yanukovych, a former president who has been in Russian exile since fleeing the 2014 revolution against him. He was...
The word “war” was a violation of a new law that forbids media operating in Russia to use the words “war,”“attack” or “invasion” to describe President Vladimir Putin’s decision to unleash his forces against Ukraine. Instead they are to use the Kremlin’s Orwellian phrase, “specia...