When you pick up this impressive tome, light passes over its gold surface and through the raised jewels, reflecting toward the center, where Jesus hangs on the cross.当你拿起这本令人惊叹的书籍时,光线会穿过金色表面和凸起的宝石,反射到中央,那里描绘着耶稣被钉在十字架上的场景。This trick of th...
which stood where the current Basilica stands today. Jesus gave Simon the name Peter when he first met him and said, “You’re the stone upon which I will build my church.” After Constantine legalized Christianity in A.D. 313 with the Edict of Milan, he quickly began building t...
and eight-year-olds dressed like Hooters girls. You enter a locked lair using the password "f**k you Mom," summon Jesus to mow down your opponents with a machine gun, and watch the New Kid's parents get drunk and high while domestically abusing at each other. That's to say nothing ...
The Doubly Offensive Jesus Prosperity: It’s Another Gospel Hungering and Thirsting It’s Not as Difficult as We Make It We Are Called to Something Bigger Recent Comments Ranita Marie Ashbroo… onLegalists: Give Me the Officia… Ranita onThe Church Bully ...
My favorite song, "Have You Tried Jesus," that song right there has oil on it, and I mean all of the oil. I don't care if you don't believe in God or not, there's something about that song that's going to make you lift your hand. There's another song we ate ...
Jesus of Cool, Nick Lowe's debut solo album, could be considered power-pop because of its clever lyricism and catchy guitar riffs. There's an air of satire across the album — the LP includes several songs addressing the music industry's greed. ("Music for money, Gibsons for gain. Benni...
Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:37) But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy. (Titus 3:4-5 ...
However, when Jesus died on the cross, He took God’s love for sinners outside of any constraints or boundaries. In a single, miraculous moment, Jesus made a way for you to access His love!“So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted...
The month of June, dedicated as it is to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, affords us an opportunity to enter into that heart and discover the Father’s love for us; the love that took flesh in the Virgin Mary’s womb, advanced under the protection of Saint Joseph, offered itself once ...