Add to this that not all points and miles carry the same value. That means that 50,000 points from one program could end up being more valuable than 100,000 points from another program. With so many variables at play, how can you determine your points to miles value and how to best ...
Ankara station (Ankara Gar) is in central Ankara, see location map, unlike the bus terminal which is 2-3 miles outside the city or the airport 15-20 miles outside.YHT = Yüksek Hızlı Tren = 250 km/h high-speed train. There's a brief X-ray baggage check on the platform, ...
The Gulf Stream has been reported to move faster than 4-5 knots per hour (around 7-9 kph) in some areas — that's 300 times faster than the Amazon River. This is more than enough to throw sailors hundreds of miles off course if they don't compensate correctly for the current. It ...
You can also check Egyptian train times using a third-party app on your phone, both for planning and when in Egypt. Unlike the ENR website, these show all stations and all trains, air-con & non-air-con. And when you get to Egypt, using an app on your phone is easier than asking...
As a long-time digital nomad, I'm able to work online from anywhere in the world. Here are some useful tips if you'd like to give it a shot!
Yu boasts a long history of Derby success and has called the horse who has crossed the finish line first two of the last three years. "You have to either like Fierceness or Sierra Leone, and I prefer the latter. This galloper will be happy to get the added ground, and there should be...
If you plan on flying home for the holidays and haven't booked your ticket yet, you may be in luck.Amazonhas partnered withStudentUniverse, an online travel agency specializing in discount student and young adult travel, to offerPrime Young Adultmembers a limited number of$25 flightsto and ...
The Tour du Mont Blanc hike is not only one of the most popular hikes in Europe, but one of the best long-distance hikes in the world! It’sat the top of many hikers’ bucket list and for good reason. The classic hiking route takes you through the French, Italian and Swiss Alps....
The best way to get around Japan is by train. On this page you'll find an introduction to train travel in Japan, with advice on times, routes, tickets and a guide to the Japan Rail Pass. Train travel in Japan, an overview Maps of Japan's rail network How to check train times & ...
In Bulawayo, the reservations office is open 08:00-19:30 on Mondays-Fridays, 16:00-19:30 on Saturdays & Sundays. Although the train appears to be well used, it's a long train with plenty of berths available, and there is unlikely to be a problem getting a place even for travel on...