Just like her metaphorical friend the tortoise, Carpenter's long but steady journey has clearly paid off. As she's figured out who she is on her own terms, she's manifested the bonafide superstardom she's always imagined. "I never had the plan B, and it wasn't...
The gentle lull of "Sittin'" was a radical departure from Redding's Southern soul bombast, and perhaps a sign of what was to come if the singer hadn't died tragically in a plane crash. "That one song, wesearchedfor a long time. We call it crossover music;soit could go eitherway:,...
As Taylor Swift enjoys playing with the concept of multiple selves — explored in music videos, tour sets, and credit-card commercials — these are the 13 Taylor Swifts that put her back on top again.
Collaborating with Brewster is a smart move. Firstly, the product is designed with Black men in mind. Having Brewster, who is part of the brand's target demographic and also a professional hairstylist, recommend the product serves as the social proof the brand wants. Furthermore, part of Bre...
The mystique of celebrity is long gone, and consumers now crave authenticity in marketing.88% of consumerssay authenticity is important when deciding which brands to like and support. Even in influencer marketing, brands are more successful with micro and nano influencers because they have a clos...
So that may have been the only song that we wound up doing, and maybe what wound up happening is that there was such clarity and such great direction that by the time we finished it, that's all we needed to do that day. I'm picturing the studio, the ho...