The Trump event, which is scheduled for early afternoon, will focus on border security and highlight migrant crime. More from The Austin-American Statesman’s Bayliss Wagner TAKING AIM — “‘You have to meet with Mattie’: The decades-long shaping of Kamala Harris’ gun policy,” by...
Election alliances are likely to end when (1) a sizable change in allies’ relative levels of popular support occurs and (2) they misperceive the risk of alliance termination or consciously incur short-term risk for the sake of long-term gain. We refer throughout to single-member district pl...
blonde hair, so I'll never look like that. By the time I got to 'The Avengers,' I had come off two other films, which required me to have it very short. So I dyed it again and it was long enough to use a part of my hairline. —Tom Hiddleston ...
Their motto, which they threw out the window not too long after I started working their (yes, I know), was to basically, take care of their customers. And it worked. Now, I am not sure if this motto or goal changed because I started working there, or if this is just...
Another option is to understand the prepositional phrase as modifying the verb, in which case one might translate, “I have long remembered your regulations.” Psalm 119:52 tn Or “find comfort.” Psalm 119:54 tn Heb“songs were your statutes to me.” Psalm 119:54 tn Heb“in the house...
In his Atlanta Compromise, Washington foreshadowed the Charles Barkleys of the South: "No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in any degree ostracized." But what of those the markets reject? One wonders, when Barkley is speaking from the heart, when he...
can become much less frequent, and if a project manager wants to “visit” the project it is as simple as logging in remotely to one of the web-based portals to take a tour or generate reports on construction completion rates and project how long before the plant starts to generate power...
36 M¯ınana¯tha is invoked in the man˙ gala verse of the long recension of the Amaraughaprabodha. The hemistich in which his name is given (after A¯ dina¯tha) is not found in the two manuscripts of the older, short recension, but is likely to have dropped out in the...