Like any other medication, Dayquil is meant to be used as directed. If you have any questions about how long Dayquil should be taken, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking it. It’s important to note that even though Dayquil is available in many different forms, such as a liqui...
Bronchitis happens when the airways in your lungs become inflamed, causing you to cough. It may be acute or chronic. If it is acute, it will go away within days or weeks. If it's chronic, it may be long-lasting, and you’ll need treatment to manage your symptoms. ...
18,19Though not always as effective and soap and water, hand sanitizers can also help to reduce infectious agents on your hands, so using hand sanitizers when it is not possible to wash your hands with soap
Elderberry is also an amazing preventative that keeps you strong and resilient while everyone else catches “what’s going around”. Elderberry Elixir Recipe Today I want to share with you how to make an elderberry elixir that will keep you well all season long. You might be wondering why I...
Cough is a common symptom for which many patients seek advice at urgent care clinics and emergency departments, especially when they experience episodes during peak allergy season due to postnasal drip and congestion.
The actual algorithm to decide which risk category one falls into isa topic of speculation, though it seems it was largely a combination of the information in the questionaire, how long someone has waited since getting the code, and the locations the code is later scanned in (along with the...
If your runny nose is seasonal, caused by cold and dry air in the winter, a humidifier is a great long-term solution to fight congestion. 10 Blow your nose gently. Download Article Blowing mucus from 1 nostril at a time clears your nose more effectively. Grab a tissue and hold it ...