pdai@MacBook-Pro apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-3.0.1-lite-ui-bin % vi bin/start.sh pdai@MacBook-Pro apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-3.0.1-lite-ui-bin % bin/start.sh Starting the ShardingSphere-ElasticJob-UI ... Please check the STDOUT file: /Users/pdai/apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob...
device to measure illumination and to indicate how long a film should be exposed to light 曝光表. expound / Ik5spaUnd; Ik`spaJnd/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) (fml 文) explain or make sth clear by giving details 详加解释或详述某事物 : expound a theory 详细解释一理论 *| He ex...
First, cut down the side of your can and then around the bottom, so you end with a long strip of metal. Discard the bottom or save it to make more frames. Once you have your long strip of metal, lay it out flat and draw at least one frame on it. The frame should look something...
Kneading the dough isn’t just about getting it to come together in a ball — it actually helps the gluten develop as well, explains Pandel. You should knead until the ball is completely smooth, up to 10 minutes. If it’s hard for you to knead that long, consider enlisting help or i...
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A capping knife is a long, straight knife used to harvest honey and beeswax. If you don’t have a capping knife, you can use a dull butter knife or a fork. 6 Place the caps in a bucket so the honey can sink to the bottom. As you scrape off the honeycomb and wax cappings, plac...
As long as the light bulb isn't LED, it should generate enough heat to display the message; just be sure not to hold it so close that the paper catches fire. Not Helpful 68 Helpful 192 Question Could I use a hair dryer as a source of heat? Community Answer Yes, but it needs...
Stretch out a long piece of tape for each side of the frame. Make sure the tape covers the frame where it meets the glass, applying smaller pieces as needed to create a good seal.[7] You can purchase the tape along with the frosted glass spray paint online or at most home ...