It is always a good idea to cash checks and balance personal finances promptly and regularly. There may be instances when you cannot get around to cashing a check for a period of time. Anexpired checkis known as "stale-dated." In these cases, it is important to look at some FAQs about...
How Long Do Checks Live? Your check will remain alive, well and cashable for six months after you write it and date it. Section 4-404 of the federalUniform Commercial Codeprovides that a bank does not have to cash or deposit a check after six months, although it can do so if it cho...
However, you usually can’t add money to your GIC during the term, and you’ll pay a penalty to withdraw funds before the maturity date. Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) A RRSP is a long-term investment account designed to save for the future — in this case, old age. Money ...
“A good rule of thumb for most people would be to have three to six months of must-have expenses,” says Shang Saavedra, a personal finance blogger and founder ofSave My Cents. “But if you already have credit card debt, even one month of expenses is good enough. The goal is really...
This is where you write the name of the person or company to whom you are giving the money order.[3] Use black or blue non-eraseable ink to fill out the money order. 4 Fill in your personal information. Some money orders will have a space for you to fill in your name and ...
The reality is, “you’ll have good years and bad years,” saysNiv Persaud, founder and managing director of Transition Planning and Guidance. “So, you really have to look at your long-term goals.” It can be difficult to think about the possibility of a medical emergency or a layoff...