If you don’t know how long is an essay for your course, you should aim to make it long enough to fully explore and address the topic while being concise and focused. A solid good length for an essay allows you to clearly and effectively communicate your ideas without being too brief or...
idea shifts, or a new theme is introduced. Places where the focus of a section changes are opportunities to add a line break and create new paragraphs. When breaking up long paragraphs into short ones, you may need to add transitional or linking sentences to maintain the flow of your piece...
⊕Match the questions and the paragraphs. There is one extra question. (a)How long did it take to write the series? (b)What is the appeal of Harry Potter? (e)What does J.K. Rowling plan to do next? (d)Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from? (e)How many people have re...
word count always matters. This factor may come into play when it becomes one of the criteria for judging one’s written output or a measure of someone’s writing prowess if it is made out of a career. Thus, one thing is for sure: even if it sucks, we always consider how long shoul...
It is often only one or two paragraphs long. 通常只有一两段长。 Being able to summarize is a useful skill to have, not only for passing exams but also for working in professions. 能够总结是一项有用的技能,不仅对于通过考试,而且对于从事专业工作也是如此...
how long is a piece of string Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 多长副 string名— 符串名 · 字符串名 · 一串名 · 琴弦名 · 弦乐名 · 一系列(事件)名 · (乐器的)弦名...
A paragraph is a unit of writing that consists of one or more sentences, all of which relate to the same topic. Paragraphs are essential for organizing long pieces of writing such as novels, papers, or even emails. Each paragraph should focus on a single topic. How is a paragraph structur...
As summaries of longer texts are only about a paragraph long, you might wonder how to make a single paragraph shorter. The key is to focus on the main idea and important details. When summarizing, always aim to share the critical point first and to keep everything short. The importance of...
3 Match the questions and the paragraphs. There is one extra question.(a)How long did it take to write the series?(b)What is the appeal of Harry Potter?(c)What does J. K. Rowling plan to do next?(d)Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from?(e)How many people have read Ha...
Use a clear and concise writing style:Avoid using jargon and technical language. Write in a way that is easy for your readers to understand. Break up your text into paragraphs:Paragraphs should be no more than 3-4 sentences long. This will make your text easier to read and scan. ...