书是著者的思想载体,它有明确的目的性,为了传递something给读者。作为读者,判断读书所获的一个标准,就是他在多大程度上理解了作者想要传达的信息。 具体地说,书传递的信息可以分为两类:facts 和 insights. F…
阅读就是学习:指导型的学习,以及自我发现型的学习之间的差异 所谓吸收资讯,就只是知道某件事发生了。想要被启发,就是要去理解,搞清楚这到底是怎么回事:为什么会发生,与其他的事实有什么关联,有什么类似的情况,同类的差异在那里等等 指导型的学习与自我发现型的学习之间的差异:前者。并不是一味的倾听与阅读,而是学...
Chapter length is important, but it is not the most critical element of novel writing. Often a first draft will be written with minimal regard to chapter length, but by the time the final draft reaches the publisher, chapter size has been standardized throughout the book. How Long Should a...
D.GPS navigation apps have come a long way in helping with our memory.(2022·北京朝阳·九年级期末)Do you ever feel like you are running from one activity to another, or studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such a fast pace (节奏), it is easy to ...
How long does it take to write a book? Authors often get asked this question. There is, of course, no straightforward universal answer; so much depends on the book, on the author concerned, and also on many other circumstances. Some books are generated slowly, some quickly, a few at imm...
3Look at the table of contents, the preface, the chapter heading,etc.This will help you to decide whether you really need to read the whole book or only certain parts of it. Ten minutes spent in this way could save you quite a lot of time in the long run. ...
Writing a chapter is a team effort. This text helps to define the role of the "team members," gives examples of different approaches on how to work in and with the team, and provides guidelines to generate a long-lasting product. Scientific written text, consistent terminology, and well-...
Here, you can approach each chapter the way you might write a long blog post — by compartmentalizing each chapter into smaller sections or bullet points, as shown in the picture below. This helps you write simply and clearly, rather than using sophisticated language to convey each point. It...
When you’re reading with the intent of summarizing a book, keep in mind that the summary should only be one or two paragraphs long. Focus on the book’s “big picture” and how you can communicate it in about 500 words or less. This word count isn’t a hard cutoff for book summari...
Short-Term Debt Cycles Add up to Big, Long-Term Debt Cycles 短期债务周期累积成长期大债务周期 What isn’t paid enough attention is the way in which these short-term debt cycles add up to big, long-term debt cycles. Because credit is a stimulant that creates a high, people want more of...