If we need to immediately use that sensory information, it moves to the short-term memory, for example, when we hear a phone number and have to remember it to dial. To turn short-term memories into long-term ones, our brains must encode, or define, the information. Remember that ...
History of malware The termmalwarewas first used by computer scientist and security researcher Yisrael Radai in 1990. However, malware existed long before this. One of the first known examples of malware was the Creeper virus in 1971, which was created as an experiment by Raytheon BBN (formerl...
Animals have long been known to display their own types of curiosity, like rats exploring new areas of a maze without any expectation of food or reward and primates that learn to open windows on cages to get a peek at what's going on outside in the research lab. While this behavior may...
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
In a long-term study of the spotted hyena in Kenya, Holekamp and Smale28 found a five-fold difference in lifetime reproductive success between the alpha female and the lowest ranking one. Various models have examined the spread of mutations in social species under different conditions including ...
Undoubtedly, the Earth's GMF had already existed when life appeared on the planet 3.5–4.3 billion years ago (Tarduno et al. 2010; Gargaud et al. 2012). Scientists have long been interested in the origins and evolution of life on Earth, and the role the GMF played in the process...
So long as we have that top 2%, the rest of us are fine. In fact, if the top 2% gives us just a little bit more innovation in the form of artificial intelligence machines (such as HAL, depicted above, a quarter century past his prime) we won’t need even them. ...
long-term cardiovascular health. Both of these articles were critical of how numerous studies conducted previously that suggested (not proved) there is a link between light to moderate drinking and reduced rates of cardiovascular disease may have made a common error in research by assuming that the...
And that after long action it become spent and exhausted, which it is found that the cells of which it consists have become ruptured, and its vitality destroyed. Presuming therefore that the yeast plant became no longer capable of continuing the process of lactic or alcoholic fermentation in ...
What would animate and motivate these spiritually devoid people? (I am sure I have met a few in the kitchen at parties). Perhaps they would turn out to be zombies, and we all know from the movies what trouble that leads to. It won’t be long now, another 50 years or so, when the...