thinks how long have i got left how long since i've been right can i be justified will i see daylight she makes it outside through the cold despair she takes in the sounds and she breathes in the air and how long has she got left and how long since she been right why is she mys...
How Long Have I Got Left? 我还有多长时间可活? By Paul Kalanithi As soon as the CT scan was done, I began reviewing the images. The diagnosis was immediate: Masses matting the lungs and deforming the spine. Cancer. In my neurosurgical training, I had reviewed hundreds of scans for fellow...
朗读内容 How Long Have I Got Left? By Paul Kalanithi AS soon as the CT scan was done, I began reviewing the images. The diagnosis was immediate: Masses matting the lungs and deforming the spine. Cancer. In my neurosurgical training, I ...
422: How long have I got left? 292017-07 4 421: Parenting who is it really for? 202017-07 5 420: She walks in beauty 102017-07 6 419: Can you still have hope whehopeless 172017-07 7 418: Eliminating Verbal Pauses 162017-07 8 417: Ben and Jerry's: Our Values 172017-07 9 416...
How long have I got left. 142017-07 3 Parenting who is it really for. 142017-07 4 Can you still have hope when life seems 92017-07 5 Man in the arena. 102017-07 6 Max martin. 62017-07 7 Ben and jerry's values. 142017-07 8 How to be happy when you're in an unhapp 72017-...
But on my first visit with my oncologist, she mentioned my going back to work someday. Wasn’t I a ghost? No. But then how long did I have? Silence. Of course, she could not stop my intense reading. Poring over studies, I kept trying to find the one that would tell me when my...
“How Long Have I Got Left?” Last May, my brother-in-law, Paul, who has a deep gentleness and a keen sense of humor, found out that he had incurable lung cancer. Out of nowhere, he was facing death. He was 36 and had always been healthy. Our family was floored. This week, ...
How Long H..当CT扫描完成后,我立刻开始看片子。诊断结果随即出来了:双肺大片包块,脊椎变形。癌症。在我的神经外科生涯中,我曾和医生同行们共同会诊过上千张片子,确认手术是否能带来希望。我会在病历上匆匆写下几笔:癌症
Evaluating the performance of herd-specific long short-term memory models to identify automated health alerts associated with a ketosis diagnosis in early-... The growing use of automated systems in the dairy industry generates a vast amount of cow-level data daily, creating opportunities for using...