Vladamir Putin is currently serving his fourth term as President of Russia. In the United States,constitutional lawsstop one person from holding too much power for too long. How Many Years Can a President Serve? Under normal circumstances, a president serves four years or eight years. The eight...
WHAT DID GEORGE WASHINGTON REALLY LOOK LIKE? We have a lot of familiar pictures of him, but they never quite agree with one another, and more were made when he was old than when he was young. So when the people who run Mount Vernon, Washington's estate on the Potomac River in ...
A study by the Center for Public Integrity found that after donating over half a million dollars to the presidential campaigns of former U.S. President George W. Bush, more than 70 American companies and individuals won up to 8 billion dollars worth of contracts for work in postwar Iraq and...
This policy, known as DACA, protects from deportation and gives temporary work permits to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. before the age of 16. President Barack Obama created DACA by executive order in 2012 as a temporary measure after Congress voted d...
"We really just didn't want to be an additional burden on our students," says John Naughton, vice president for enrollment and student success at ODU. "So we wanted to make this as affordable as possible and help our students get through these difficult times." ...
Donald Trump's impending return to the White House means he'll want to stand up an entirely new administration from the one that served under President Joe Biden.
After Washington took his oath of office, in which he vowed to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God”, the Chancellor of New York, Robert Livingston, shouted to the gathered crowd, “Long live George Washington, President of the United States...
Such a camp would be expected to include Kansas City Federal Reserve President Esther George and Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher. Neither of them, however, have sufficient intellectual weight to move the needle. Governor Jeremy Stein, however, is another matter. He is an intellectual...
Norm Bedford, associate vice president for student financial services at Virginia Commonwealth University, suggests setting Google alerts to monitor newly posted scholarships based on a student's profile. Students can add criteria to the alerts, such as first-gen, that...
Ever since the SEC was formed, high expectations have fallen on the shoulders of the SEC's staff. Future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter advised President Franklin D. Roosevelt about those he needed to find to fill out the new agency: “You need administrators … who have stami...