Gasoline has a shelf-life. Within a few months, untreated gas fades in potency and can gum up the internals of the fuel system. Within 6 months, stored fuel can completely varnish the carburetor, requiring cleaning in order to get the engine running again. When your engine is in long-term...
The length of time fuel will remain useable in your gas tank is dependent on the fuel type. Regular gasoline has a shelf life of three to six months, premium or high-octane fuel should last close to nine months, while diesel can last up to a year before it begins to degrade. On the...
Seriously though, you should pick up fuel stabilizer and start using it as soon as you see frost on the ground. Â Since I have equipment that runs on both gasoline and diesel, I pick up a bottle of additive for both types of fuel. Â Why should you buy this kind of stuff? Â...
Henry's decision to abandon his treasured "Tin Lizzie" after 19 years and a staggering 15-million cars -- the last not very different from the first -- came almost too late, and his company lost a lot in money and goodwill during the long changeover to the belated new Model A. Yet ...
Additionally, over time gasoline can oxidize or go “stale,” losing combustibility. It may also absorb water, which can then corrode fuel tanks and other metal components in the fuel system. Starting a generator regularly, as well as treating fuel with a stabilizer, can help fight these ...
Ethanol will gunk up your carburetor over time. Even though non-ethanol gasoline is more expensive, lawnmowers don’t use a ton of gas. The extra expense is well worth it. I now add fuel stabilizer to my fuel as soon as I buy it in case it sits for a bit longer than intended.Thi...
Is your mower going to be stored for at least 30 to 90 days this winter? If so, fill the tank with fuel and treat it with agasoline stabilizer, such as STA-BIL® Fuel Stabilizer, to help prevent deterioration. A full fuel tank helps prevent moisture, rust and carburetor clogging. Use...
made that last part up, but it will clog every port and orifice in a carburetor. Use Non-Ethanol gasoline treated with some form of fuel stabilizer, run the bike for a while, then run the carb(s) dry. For motorcycles without a fuel shutoff, make sure you get a reputable stabilizer....