Results from the 2023-2024 U.S. flu season show that in adults vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization ranged from 41% to 44%. Specifically for children and teens less than 18 years, the flu vaccine was 71% effective for preventing symptomatic influenza A illness. All vaccines in the 202...
About half of all kids andteensbite their nails. Many don’t grow out of it, either. If you’re an adult who bites your nails, you may have done it when you were younger and just never stopped. It could be your parents’ fault: Scientists aren’t sure ifnail bitingis genetic, but...
Not only does a push for a chickenpox vaccine protect a child and his or her classmates, it can also protect grandparents who may not have had chickenpox. Protecting the elderly is also the idea behind another vaccination that many of us line up for each winter: the flu shot. Between 12,...
While the Savannah only used its steam engine for approximately 85 hours (roughly 12 percent of the trip), the voyage made history, and the era of the steamship began [source: Columbia Encyclopedia]. The passenger ship industry flourished in the late 1800s and early 1900s, courtesy of the ...
Parents can influence when, how teens use alcohol and marijuana.Informs on a study which found that parents can influence, when and how teens use alcohol and marijuana.EBSCO_AspData the Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory & Application...
How long do viruses last for? A viral infection usuallylasts only a week or two. But when you're feeling rotten, this can seem like a long time! Here are some tips to help ease symptoms and get better faster: Rest. Is YouTube safe for 11 year olds?
Children have a difficult time navigating heavy emotions for a long period of time, which is why the camp is structured to provide fun activities alongside opportunities to process grief. Comfort Zone Camp was founded in 1998 by Lynne Hughes, who hoped to give kids a place to share their gri...
has seen in a long time, previously reported. It's too early to tell what this year's season will look like, the experts note, but there are some worrisome signs. Australia's flu season, which runs from April to September, is often a harbinger of what to expect in the U...
Fevers in children are common. There is usually no cause for alarm as long as the child's behavior is normal. A fever over 103 degrees F should prompt a call to the pediatrician. You should seek immediate care if: The fever has lasted more than four or five days. ...
If she does decide to use tampons, make sure she knows the signs of toxic shock syndrome, which include a rash and flu-like symptoms. This problem is very rare and it’s easy to treat, but it’s important to catch and treat it right away. ...