Schulze, Gunther G.; Susanne Warning; Christian Wiermann (2008): What and How Long Does It Take to Get Tenure? The Case of Economics and Business Administration in Aus- tria, Germany and Switzerland. German Economic Review 9(2008)4: 473-505....
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Will an accident increase my insurance premium? How long does an accident stay on your driving record? Why do insurance rates go up after an accident? Can I prevent my insurance rates from going up after an accident? How can I lower my car insurance rates after an accident?
On a larger scale, median employee tenure can provide useful insights into how long certain demographics stay in their jobs in the US. How do you become a tenured employee? You can become a tenured employee by working at a company for several years.While the specific number of years can de...
They got a superstar player that keyed a championship run. They got a sponsorship darling that has amplified the team’s revenues. And, just one year into their decade-long partnership, the influence of it all is becoming increasingly more clear, allowing the Dodgers to flex their financial mu...
Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) originates from tropical Central and South America and has become invasive in about 50 countries. It causes problems when invading rangelands due to its toxicity to livestock and its tendency to form dense, monotonous thic
"I have the best job. I will grow old here. It never occurs to me to leave. I don't know how many people can say that. There is high turnover in sales, but not at CXtec." What makes employees stay? How do you retain a group of employees ......
It has an exceptionally long geologic and climatic history [2] with its Barberton Greenstone Belt in the Makhonjwa Mountains of north-eastern South Africa credited as the oldest mountain range on Earth (ca. 3.2 Ga) [2,3]. Two mountain complexes dominate the region, the Great Escarpment and...
How long will you need the coverage to stay in force? Does Group Term Life Insurance Provide Permanent Coverage? No, group term life provides temporary coverage while you work for your employer, or while you pay premiums through a membership association. Unlike permanent insurance, term life doe...
For instance, afutures contractwith a long tenor could be said to be relatively risky because there is still significant time in which its value might fall. Derivatives with shorter tenors would likewise be viewed as less risky. As compensation for this perceived risk, buyers of high-tenor secu...