The bank hopes you'll remain a card member for a long time after earning the sign-up bonus. That way, they'll recover the cost of acquiring your business throughout your relationship. Earning these sign-up bonuses can be a great way to start building a long-term credit card strategy. ...
Having milk prices go up is irritating yes, but it is not the end of the world.(Having my Hershey’s candy bar double in price overnight — now that is something to panic about. HA! HA! Talk about priorities! ;-) Before you come unglued each time you hear that the price of bread...
“This has never happened before? It doesn’t seem so unusual. New York is 30 miles from here — you can kind of see it out the window with all those tall buildings over there.” “Ma’am, fighting with me will get you nowhere. I will need the address under which your last New J...