The worm then altered the PLCs’ code so that the centrifuges spun too fast, and for too long, while at the same time sending bogus data to make it appear as if everything was functioning normally. This caused major damage to the sensitive instruments, temporarily derailing Iran’s nuclear...
How does it keep spinning so long? How can it "sleep" (hang at the end of the string)—and what makes it climb back up again? Why do yo-yos feel so strangely stable as they spin? There's a lot of physics going on in your yo-yo. Let's take a closer look!
Anti-Drone Weapons That Terrify America’s Enemies A Chronological History of American Tanks Russia Says It Just Fired a New Hypersonic Weapon In a First, India Launches a Hypersonic Missile Could AI Enable Would-Be Bioterrorists? America Built the Most Deadly Missile on the Seas...
when attempting something like a space jump. the one that stuck in my mind was how an uncontrolled spin causes blood to centrifuge up into the head and then boil off. or something. this might give me pause. not sam. i have no doubt that he would prefer not to die in spectacular ...
Once the low-hanging fruit has been harvested, like a centrifuge the G-force is going to separate out those companies optimizing labor and those that don’t. For the foodservice industry, this is going to be the biggest brick of all; the net that’s going to catch the most companies ho...
When a uranium sample was inserted into a Stuxnet-infected centrifuge for refinement, the virus would command the machine to spin faster than it was designed for, then suddenly stop. The results were thousands of machines that wore out years ahead of schedule, and more importantly, ruined sample...
To harvest honey, beekeepers can remove the framed combs from the shallow supers and spin them in a centrifuge, or honey extractor. This removes the honey from the comb while leaving the structure intact. Since it takes about 20 pounds (9 kilograms) of honey to make a pound (0.45 kilogram...
(A) Supercentrifuges were run in a continuous mode to pellet virus or virus precipitates. The rotor (2) within a chassis (3) is connected to a drive (5). Feed liquid (1) enters the rotor and separates into heavy and light fractions, which leave the centrifuge through separate outlets ...
See How It Flies A new spin on the perceptions, procedures, and principles of flight. There is also asecure versionof this page. 20 The Atmosphere 20.1 Circulation Around Fronts and Low Pressure Centers 20.1.1 Flow Around a Low 20.1.2 Fronts and Troughs...
Not being of English mother tongue myself I am always utterly surprised to see that the British do not know the difference between "it's" and "its". Possessive pronoun neutrum 3rd person singular is what, "it's" or "its"? Find out yourself ...