In addition, knowing someone who died after mastectomy emerged as a main reason for not having breast cancer surgery. Conclusions High refusal rate for mastectomy has direct implication on increased breast cancer mortality. Hence, expansion of radiotherapy service is instrumental to initiate breast-...
‘Now, we all know that it’s easy to make fun of things and have a bit of a laugh, but we will never learn anything with that sort of approach, so I would like you all to take what is to follow seriously so that we may benefit from the experience.’ A frisson ran round the ...
that short-course radiotherapydelayed surgery in T
A potentially long post as I think I’ll struggle to stop once I get going. If anyone else out there has been through the same and has any advice I’d b...
Data collection through questionnaires was performed by each patient at each measurement time (Q1: before the start of the program; Q2: one week after the first hippotherapy session for the treatment group; Q3: after the last hippotherapy session, six months after the start of the program). ...