Maybe you're concerned about the long-term impact of having all your atoms mixed about, but once you're out of the magnetic field, your body and its chemistry return to normal. There are no known biological hazards to humans from being exposed to magnetic fields of the strength used in ...
A computer program is essentially a sequence of steps, each controlling a specific part of development.In human terms, this would be like having a set of instructions to start by building a brain, then a head, and then a neck, and so on. That’s just not how things work. Another popu...
Not long ago, the scalable distributed IoTMQTT broker EMQXreleased version 5.0. This latest milestone version adopts the new back-end storage architecture, Mria database, and refactors the data replication logic. This makes the horizontal scalability of EMQX 5.0 exponentially improved, and it can ...
The hippocampus then interprets the new information, associates it with previous memories and determines whether to encode it as a long-term memory. Next, the hippocampus sends the long-term memories to different areas of the cortex, depending on the type of memory. For instance, the amygdala ...
Maybe you're concerned about the long-term impact of having all your atoms mixed about, but once you're out of the magnetic field, your body and its chemistry return to normal. There are no known biological hazards to humans from being exposed to magnetic fields of the strength used in ...
Side Effects of Long-Term Corticosteroid Use Osteoporosis Adrenal insufficiency Psychosis Immunosuppression Peptic ulcer High blood pressure (hypertension) Insomnia Menstrual irregularities Acne Skin atrophy Elevated blood sugar Abnormal appearance of the face (Cushingoid face) ...
To understand why a contrail can last as little as a fraction of a second, or as long as several hours, you need to understand what a contrail is, and how it forms. Here’s another question, which has the same answer: Q) How long does a snowflake last? Why is this basically the...
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is best examined on a T2 coronal image, where it is seen as a long, thin uniformly low-intensity band on the medial side of the joint capsule. It originates from the medial femoral epicondyle and inserts into the medial metaphysis of the tibia. On a...
Head: 4 mSv, equal to about 16 months of background radiation What’s the Cancer Risk? For most people, a CT scan doesn’t seem to boost the risk for cancer in a major way. Generally, the medical benefit you get from the scan outweighs the odds of any problem you might have in ...
The hand-picked experts were to report their findings back to Harvey, and then the work would be published so that the world could know what went on inside the brain of a genius. Harvey and the world were in for a long wait. Einstein's brain was of a normal size, and he appeared ...