If half-orcs hit points go down to zero, they can choose to have them go down to one instead. This can only be used once, at which point he must have a long rest before regenerating the ability. This ability does not prevent an effect that causes death instead of merely reducing the...
I was layed up in emergency for a day under observation before they let me out and have been dealing with the fallout ever since. How Lanky got himself stabbed To make a long story short, my former girfriend is not a gamer. Her jealousy is not aided and abetted in any way, shape, ...
I've heard responses like, "Even though my Charisma is a 7 I don't have to play it that way as long as I roll good". I answered by letting him know I'm not opposed to a character with a low stat rolling good, in fact it makes for good role-play, but you still ...
Simply don't add a blind Chara to a murder hobo brigade haha although an NPC blind halfling bard that's basically Magoo would be a really fun and enjoy way to try get some murder hobos into the RP side of a game. Humor moves mountains in D&D. Share Follow edited Aug 24, 2018 ...
There’s a lot to be said for these ideas brewing for quite a long time. Really, the timing was right for both parties to come together. What we really wanted to make was Sword Coast Legends. What Wizards really wanted to return to came into alignment a couple of...
Keep it moving. While your home game may consist of half an hour of catching up and banter at the beginning of the session and assorted bullshitting throughout, a convention game must fit into a particular time slot. Additionally, if the pace slows you will lose the attention of your play...
and their cousin, Victoria. His mother died long before his memory developed. He wants to be a hero, to be held high in the regards of others as the one they can turn to to save them from whatever evils may come their way. He fears being ...
Elves: Tall, long-lived, aloof, and connected to nature. Elves live in harmony with the natural world around them. Stat modifiers: +2 Dexterity Gnomes: Mysterious, adventure-seeking, and strange. Gnomes are the smallest common race. Stat modifiers: +2 Intelligence. Goliaths are descendants of...
Similarly, don’t fall into the trap of letting a player’s knowledge base inform the character’s beyond what’s reasonable. Just because your player knows how to make gunpowder out of bat guano doesn’t mean his uneducated halfling cleric does. (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery ...