In those who do survive beyond infancy, severe psychomotor and growth retardation are invariably present. Some have suggested that long-term survival of infants with trisomy 18 is associated with more aggressive management [7,8].Toker,A.Salzer,L....
Down syndrome(trisomy 21) can be diagnosed almost as soon as a baby is born, based on distinctive physical characteristics that prompt immediate testing. Signs of Down syndrome can be detected during a pregnancy ultrasound, too. But, in order to confirm the diagnosis, other prenatal tests, incl...
The media have been in a tumult in response to this study. Internet articles with alarming titles, such as “Freezing embryos doubles risk of IVF kids developing childhood cancer”; “Babies born from IVF using frozen embryos may be more than TWICE as likely to get childhood cancer”; “Chil...
How effective is ultrasound-based screening for trisomy 18 without the addition of biochemistry at the time of late first trimester? J Perinat Med 2016; 44: 149 - 159.Wiechec M, Knafel A, Nocun A, et al. How effective is ultrasound- based screening for trisomy 18 without the addition ...