美国小学生口语对话:How do magnets work? 磁铁是如何工作的?所有科学家都遵循一套称为科学方法的步骤。他们用这种方法来检验自己的想法,看看是否正确。首先,他们观察周围的世界。接下来,他们做出假设,或者有根据的猜测,来解释他们所看到的。然后他们进行实验来验证
Questions that often come up are, "How do magnets work?", or, "Why is iron magnetic?", or, "What makes a magnet?", or, "What is the magnetic field made of?".Those are good questions, and deserve a good answer. However, did you know that there is a lot about magnets at the ...
These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most common magnets - the bar magnet - is a long, rectangular bar of uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The ...
Originating from Earth’s core and atoms themselves, magnetism is the invisible force that shapes our everyday lives. Here’s how magnets actually work.
Scissors, tape, round plastic container, two magnets, ruler, rubber bands, steel washers. STEP 1 Cut off a piece of tape and use it to tape the round container firmly to the work surface. The round container will act as a pivot, or the balancer. ...
Physicists have some understanding of how magnets function. However, some phenomena that underlie magnetism continue to elude scientific explanation. Exactly how do magnets work? Large-scale magnetism, like the kind observed in bar magnets, results from magnetic fields that naturally radiate from the ...
If you've read How Electromagnets Work, you know that an electrical current moving through a wire creates a magnetic field. Moving electrical charges are responsible for the magnetic field in permanent magnets as well. But a magnet's field doesn't come from a large current traveling through ...
How Do Magnets Work [/caption] We have all played with magnets from time to time. Every time you do, you have asked yourself ‘how do magnets work?’ Many of us understand that magnets have two different charges and that like charges repel each other, but that still does not explain ...
Everyone has observed magnetism, from refrigerator magnets to playing with hobby magnets, and more. Magnetism is a fundamental force of nature. Magnets are a direct result of the physics taking place at the atomic level (i.e. quantum level) within the material of the magnet. Magnetic fields ...