is heard as “What did Jew say?” Carl Jung would have a field day with this one, which is ALL too common as when the Tribe gets busted for having staged their own “anti-Semitic” attacks. When the “god head” or the “heart” of the mandala is replaced by the self an ...
A church is to teach new believers, and all members of the church are to work together as a spiritual body “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till “the church all come in unity of the faith…” See Eph. 4. ...
She said that for a long time she used to have a great deal of pleasure in watching a bird that came to make its nest near her window. One year it came to make its nest, and it began to build so low down she was afraid something would happen to the young; and every day that ...
We should lay down no rules as to how long we will pray, or as to what we shall pray about, but be ready to wait upon God for a short time or a long time as He may lead, and to be led out in one direction or another as He may see fit. ...
When the Church began to reach out toward world politics and tem- poral power, how long did she retain the power [2] BACK TO CHRIST Howof her double commission? long until false miracles are set forth to replace the true wonder- working power of the Gospel? And the over- emphasis of ...
Knowing him like I do, the change is mind-blowing, but it’s taken a long, long, long time. Sadly, we don’t get to see people for that long usually. Even at school or college, it’s just for a few years at best – usually just a semester or two or a ...