How long did Khufu live? How long did Samuel de Champlain live? How long did da Vinci live? How long did Hippocrates live? How old was Mansa Musa when he died? How long was Winston Churchill prime minister? How old was Geronimo when he died?
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”-Hippocrates, father of medicine Page Contents Facts on Vitamin C Vitamin C is becoming "main stream". Every day, more people become aware of the power of vitamin C to heal the body and protect it from disease. Thefacts on vitamin ...
But before you read how to make her squirt, let’s clarify: What Is Squirting? We’ve known for a long time that some women can produce notable amounts of liquid from their genitals – during sexual excitement or orgasm.Hippocratesand theKama Sutraboth reference female ‘semen’. Female eja...
This ancient art of fermentation has allowed cultures around the world to preserve and store food from the time of harvest to the time of consumption long before there were refrigerators, freezers, or canning. 7. Fermented foods are budget-friendly and… delicious! Kombucha, which easily sells f...
Hippocrates is most commonly known as “the father of western medicine.” Because he lived so long ago, it is not exactly clear when he was born and when he died. The best estimates are that he was born around 460 BCE and died around 370 BCE. He lived during the Greek Golden Age, ...
As olive trees spread across the Mediterranean, olives became enormously valuable because of the myriad uses for olive oil. Not only was it prized for consumption and cooking, olive oil was also important medicinally; ancient Greeks used olive oil as soap, and Hippocrates called it ‘the great ...
Considered the “Father of Medicine,” Hippocrates (460 – 370 BCE) was an ancient Greek physician who saw all bodily mechanisms as caused by the relative amount of four internal fluids, called humors: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. He believed that a balance between the four ...
Mental block: In my observation, those with obesity are often deeply sensitive; they are unable to take a long, hard, honest look at themselves in a mirror. Are you able to really look at each part of your body in a mirror? It’s very important if you want to address your obesity ...
The elderberries used to make home remedies that fight colds and flu are produced by elder plant or tree known asSambucus nigra.The berries from this plant have an extensive history of use as a plant based medicine. Its recorded use dates back to 400 BC. Hippocrates, who is known as the...
And I found this vegan place in Florida, that a friend of mine went to and had a total life reboot, called Hippocrates. And I went to it.And I had my right hand guy, this little guy named Donny. He emceed the show for me while I was gone for a month....