I'd love to be able to touch a bell and summon the real me, because if I really need myself, I mustn't disappear. — Pablo Neruda 5 Common Death Quotes Arsenic sticks around and today it's easily found after death if somebody thinks of looking for it, because the problem with ars...
Whodundt:Fiona didn't disappear but went to a convent to give birth, during which she died. Malachy died in a fight with the other boy who disappeared, revealed to be Teddy, the son of the local police sergeant. Motive: Malachy was helping Fiona and ended up figh...
During the First World War local papers always printed In Memoriam columns where they'd list local dead. What a lot of them also did was they allowed relatives to submit short poems about their deceased loved ones and some of them w...
This guest post is by Marianne Vest. Marianne is our Write Practice aficionado. I always wonder how we got so lucky to have her join our writing community here. Thanks for sharing so much of your time and experience here in the comments, Marianne. You rock. Now, take it away! I recen...
“They’d given up on a lot of them in France and Germany, and budget flights were killing off long-distance railway travel, but there were positive signs, too. Everyone I spoke to said they’ll never disappear entirely. “One economic analyst and trainspotter said night trains will never...