It can be hard to determine how long you can stay in Canada because most embassies and high commissions fail to provide a clear written explanation of the duration of your stay. When you receive a Canadian visa, you’ll notice a date of issue and date of expiry. This expiry date authoriz...
what i have noted that they checked is how long is my visa is valid (it is 3 months in my case). they didn’t care that I only allowed to stay in china for 20 days. Also I had provided my temporary residence paper from local police which my hotel gave me (but i am not sure ...
You can file a tax return claiming a tax deduction for an IRA deposit before the money is in the account as long as you make the contribution by your tax filing deadline. “Don’t forget to invest the money once it has landed in your account,” Kubiak-Rizzone said. “Some accoun...
While it can be valuable to create plans, there are many factors that could change the trajectory of your lifestyle in retirement. Many people see stepping away from the workforce and into retirement as a path to freedom. If you want to retire early, you might be able to enjoy hobbies, ...
You can apply for a Canadian study permit either online or through a paper application, which can be obtained from the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)website. Paper applications typically take about twice as long, and it’s always recommended tocheck the processing timeswell in advance....
It was a question I asked several friends and I got varied answers. Some said a couple of days while others told me they could easily spend a month. I settled for a week thinking that even thought I was visiting in November, it would still be warm beach weather for this Canadian girl...
Purple logos can be an excellent choice for a variety of design projects. Purple has long been associated with royalty, luxury and sophistication. It is also seen as a color that sparks creativity and imagination, making it a great choice for brands looking to create designs that are both ele...
Canada. This document is for permanent residents outside of Canada who need proof of their status so they can return to Canada. This document is temporary and largely exists for the sole purpose of helping Canadian permanent residents who do not have PR Card yet or who’...
If you get to be a very advanced age and really want to take advantage of Canada’s free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare system, you can always move back to Canada fairly easily. After talking to several dozen Canadian international teachers I have yet to meet a single one who ...
years at United Airlines and Continental Airlines, where he held numerous leadership positions including Vice President of Network and Managing Director of International and Long-Range Planning. He began his airline career as an analyst in the network planning department of Canadian Airlines in Calga...