How long can fantail goldfish go without food? Goldfish can live forabout 2 weekswithout food. But it's not a good idea to keep your goldfish unfed for that long. So if you are planning to go on a long vacation you should make some arrangments to feed your goldfish. ...
Some fancy breeds tend to have shorter lifespans than wild-type fish. This applies to fish likeballoon molliesand some fancy goldfish breeds. These fish may be more prone to health issues that affect their internal organs, but they can still lead a full and healthy life with good care. 5...
Other myths include the idea that goldfish have a 3-second memory and that ostriches bury their heads in the sand, both of which are false. We learn these phrases as kids and never give them a second thought. You're "happy as a clam." He's "crazy as a loon." She "eats like a...
What is their maximum lifespan? The answer will vary depending on the species. Some species will only live for a few months. Other such as the goldfish can live for 10s of years. Yet others can live for several hundred years. Both large and small species can have long lives. ...
Now, if you wonder, “how often do African dwarf frogs eat?” the answer is at least three times a week. Pet owners also want to know, “how long can African Dwarf frogs go without food?” Well, they can easily survive without food for 4 to 5 days. But keeping them without food ...
I figured the goldfish would be fine. On day two without power I went to see how things were going for the goldfish. The room is totally dark, wearing socks I discover the carpet near their tank was soaking wet! Turns out my house rabbit had chewed a hole in the airline tubing. ...
Domesticated goldfish that live in outdoor ponds hibernate to get through the winter. They float at the bottom of the pond below the winter ice in a state of reduced metabolic activity. The greatest danger to them is the accumulation of ammonia in the water from their own waste and decaying...
Now to get it growing enough that I can use it to supplement food for my gold fish. It was all a matter of getting enough circulation to keep the tank clean and having the water be still enough that the duckweed would survive. What I did was have hornwort floating on top, and that'...
Can deep sea fish survive in aquariums? Several studies indicate the deep-sea organisms can withstand awide range of pressures. We frequently capture organisms at depth and bring them to surface alive, as long as we can keep them cool. They either live in aquarium in the laboratory or even...
How long can fungi survive without food? How high up can amphibians live? What is a puffer fish's habitat? What is a puffer fish? How long do chiggers live on the human body? What do freshwater fish eat? How old are Platyhelminthes flatworms? How long have members of the phylum Mollus...