Now, after two and half years in the shadow of Covid, for many people, travel restrictions are ending, 现在,在新冠疫情的阴影下度过了两年半后,许多地方的封控措施正在解除, and many people around the world are starting their lives again. But not everyone. 世界各地的人们正在重新开始他们的生活。
It's been more than two years and we are still living in the shadow of Covid-19. There have been many pandemics through history, such as the Black Death, and our species has survived. Sam and Neil discuss how pandemics end, and teach you related vocabulary along the way. This week's...
Other factors also increase your vulnerability to reinfection, starting with how long it has been since you had Covid. Immune defenses tend to wane after an infection. A study published in October 2021 estimated that reinfection could occur as soon as 3 months after contracting Covid-19. While...
Firstly, wearing a face mask is one of the best ways to protect yourself from COVID-19. Mask can help stop droplets from spreading when people talk, cough and sneeze, which reduces the risk of spreading COVID-19. Al...
is a good idea even after you’ve had Covid. You only need to wait a few weeks after an infection to get a shot. The vaccines will bolster your antibody levels, and research shows that they are effective in preventing severe outcomes if you get sick again. “Scientific confidence in vac...
The virus can get into your lungs if someone who has it breathes out and you breathe it in. Experts are divided on how often it spreads through this airborne route. How long does COVID stay in the air? Research shows the virus can live in the air for up to 3 hours. ...
As if the thought that the Covid pandemic might never end isn’t scary enough! Right, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learnt starting witheradicate– to completely get rid of something, such as a disease. Sam If youdeclare victory, you anno...
As long as there is significant community spread of COVID-19, people are going to be hesitant to reengage. Suppose restaurants open this week and you are not working late, would you go out for dinner? If there were a professional society meeting in another city 2 weeks from now, would ...
COVID-19 is a reminder of their destructive power, but they’re crucial to humans’ development and survival.
The virus can get into your lungs if someone who has it breathes out and you breathe it in. Experts are divided on how often it spreads through this airborne route. How long does COVID stay in the air? Research shows the virus can live in the air for up to 3 hours. ...