This paper reports how an information and communications technology (ICT) system can support greater connection across and outcomes from home and school ma
A tiny unit that uses play, cake-baking and imagination to work with the youngest children with the worst behaviour has been praised as one of the best schools in the country by Ofsted inspectors. Pupil referral units have often had a bad press, but The Oaks Pupil Referral Unit in Amersham...
Data practices are acknowledged as an important mode of governing education (Ozga, Trust in numbers? Digital Education Governance and the inspection process. European Educational Research Journal, 15(1), 69–81., 2016) with education becoming increasingly ‘dat...
Review ReportsVersions Notes Abstract Contextualization of young carers in early childhood is complex. Biopsychosocial impacts of young caregiving are receiving growing interest, yet the voice and experience of society’s youngest carers (0–5 years) remain absent from the literature. This scoping review...