This date comes 40 days after Easter, and is a Christian celebration of the belief that Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after his resurrection, following his crucifixion, and burial in a Roman tomb. Christians will often hold a feast to celebrate the risen and ascended Christ. May 20...
After Jesus' re-ascension into Heaven after the resurrection, the Apostles decided to carry on the work of Christ throughout the Mediterranean (The book of The Acts of the Apostles). It is reported in various historical documents that ten of the twelve disciples met the same fate as Chri...
This story of creation, fall and law, redemption, and consummation is the story that Christians have repeated to one another and to the world ever since Jesus ascended into the sky and sent his Spirit to dwell in his first followers’ lives. This age-old plot-line should frame every as...
Was Jesus Based on Pagan Gods? Though it's a popular theory, those who note these similarities may be overzealous in their quest to find them. The fact Christianity adopted many pagan beliefs and rituals doesn't prove Jesus didn't exist as an actual person. It appears many untrue claims a...
There is no greater joy on earth or in heaven, than communion with God, and prayer in the name of Jesus brings us into communion with Him. The Psalmist was surely not speaking only of future blessedness, but also of present blessedness when he said, "In Thy presence is fullness of joy...
When we finally make it to heaven, what God will look for is how much of His Son Jesus He can find in us, how much have we learned to love. The prime purpose in coming to this earth is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ and the conditions here on Planet Earth are ...
giving the Son power to makeintercessionfor the children of men — having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy; being filled with compassion towards the children of men; standing betwixt them and justice; having broken the bands of death, taken uponhimselftheir iniquity and their tra...
WE HAVE VICTORY Because Jesus Died on the cross Risen from the Dead and Ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. Will return one day to gather all those who are Saved. THANK YOU JESUS !!! Reply Joel meant for Christ says: Amen… On that view, I want to thank him...
I don't know a word that could be so fitting at this time as this word "Comforter." I want to take you with me into the coming of the Holy Ghost. Jesus ascended. When He ascended, He prayed the Father that He would send the Comforter. A needy moment, a needy hour, a necessity...
(Opening verse:)Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah, Jesus anointed that prophet and seer. Blessed to open that last dispensation, Kings shall exalt him and nations revere! Hail to theprophet,ascended to heaven. Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods he can...