How long is an orangutan pregnant for? How do whale sharks care for their young? Why do marsupials produce immature babies? What is the gestation period of a monkey? How is a gray wolf born? How do otters get toxoplasmosis? How do boa constrictors give birth?
such as otters and polar bears, are better suited to life on land even though they spend some time swimming. Others, such as sea lions and seals, have adapted to life mostly underwater but still head back to land for certain jobs like mating and molting. ...
Don't leave shark bait in the water -- large amounts of bait fish or animal blood will attract hungry sharks. If you're fishing while standing in the ocean, keep your bait out of the water until you use it, and don't stay in one place too long. Don't swim when there are sharks...
If you are taming creatures that give birth to live young, the female creature will instead become pregnant and the gestation period will begin. With these creatures, a major benefit is that you won’t have to incubate their eggs, and you’ll just need to wait for the birth. How to inc...
A sleep latency test: A. measures how long it takes you to fall asleep B. involves monitoring your sleeping at home C. records information such as the times you go to bed and awaken, and what you consume in the evening D is repeated 5 time...
How many L are in 1 ml? How does the small amount of sodium that is found in sports drinks, like Gatorade, help to maintain fluid balance in and around body cells after a long, intense workout? In your response, include the following terms: thirst, osmosis, absorption, reabsorpt...
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read) To prevent waste and maintain a streamlined marine body, dolphins use inverted nipples and voluntary milk ejection to efficiently nurse their young. Underwater Mammals Dolphins are one of several types of marine mammals. Some marine mammals, such as otters and po...
Black bears who hibernate during winter don't let sleep stop them from giving birth.Pregnant bears in the wildhave been recorded doing exactly that, with their heart rates increasing throughout the pregnancy and spiking during birth. After the cubs are born, the mama bear's heart returns to ...
Many whale species are staggeringly enormous. The blue whale, for example, can grow to 100 feet (30 m) long, about the height of a 10-story building, and can weigh as much as 150 tons (300,000 lb or 136077.7 kg). Its heart alone is the size of a small car, and there's ...
otters scrambling around the banks in the night. Woke up and fishes were jumping. Came very close to catching a huge bass that looked like it was a foot and a half long and was big enough to break my 8 lb. line so I just let him run circles around the raft until he eventually ...